Friday, October 8, 2010

13. Love Our Postal Carriers

You know what?  We don't say thanks enough.

For example, our postal carrier walks all over our neighborhood in the hothothot sun and the wetwetwet rain, putting miles on those shoes, fearing dog bites, picking up cans for the annual food drive, decoding incorrect addresses, and carrying that heavy bag full of red Netflix envelopes and porno mags.  We expect our mail to arrive every day, and at approximately the same time each day.  And, sure, I might wave hello when I see my neighborhood carrier on the sidewalk ('specially if he's a hottie), but have I ever stopped to say thanks?  

And I've lately realized that I haven't said thanks because I've been walking around with this latent sense of entitlement that I'm somehow owed mail.  That these people, dammit, are doing their jobs and getting paid, so what else do they need?  Duh, Eva!  Duh!  They need what we all need: acknowledgement, purpose, validity, joy, peace, techno music, and stockpiles of toilet paper in case of the Apocalypse!

But I am thankful for my sweet postal carrier (who I once saw at my local cafe.  And who, upon my introduction, recited my address to me, all the way down to the apartment number and zip code!) and I wanted to give a little gracias.

So I got together with a pal and wrote some little thank you notes!

 Of course I wrote this one!

Do you hate the Val-Pak as much as I do? 

I challenged Frank to include the subject of Rollerbladers in his love note.  Nice work, Frank! 

 $5 Starbucks (I know, I know! Start throwing stones now!  I just wanted it to be something accessible and those damned Starbucks are e'rywhere) gift cards attached to every love note!

We drove all over the neighborhood and deposited the notes in the big blue mailboxes! Yay!

We ended up making about six little love notes and making the world a little nicer place to live.  And I'm going to make a donation to a Colombian coffee farming family to make myself feel better for supporting Starbucks.  


  1. I LOOOVE this!!!! I used to put Christmas cards in my mailboxes every year with some money in it for my carriers. I haven't done that in a while though. Way to go Eva! Awesome awesome awesome!

  2. Hey, if you want to make a donation to an AWESOME coffee company, send it here:

    "43 Families Coffee comes from the El Porvenir Coffee Co-operative in the mountains of northwest Nicaragua. Members of this co-op (former Sandinista, Contra and Somoza fighter, all parties to the country’s brutal civil war) are now a model of social reconciliation. United by their poverty, these 43 families grow some of the world’s best organic, shade-grown coffee."

    I have some of their coffee at home if you want a sample. Good stuff. :)

  3. I love what you've done with the world. Thanks.
